Friday, October 19, 2012

Birdy and Luke Show You the Sights

It's been quite a busy week. There are many new developments at school to share, but I figured it was time to dig into the old photo albums and give you some more visuals of what life here looks like day-to-day.

Mobile Clothing Store
(they pack it up each night and return the next day)

Snacks On The Beach
(dried squid and all the toppin's!)

Da Lat Waterfall

Our City From Above
(suburbia, believe it or not)

Local TV Films Our Grand Opening
(we're getting used to being on TV)

1st Grade Girls Perform a Darling Dance At Grand Opening
(it involved a lot of swaying and waving of pom-poms)

High School Class
(40 students packed in, wall-to-wall)

Their Birthday Cakes Here Are Ridiculous
(and about 60% is topping...
there's a tiny amount of cake beneath)

School Lawn

Driving To Work
(herds of cows invade our lawn every week...
the guard has to chase them out onto the street)

A Door
(we can do this, too, now)

Ancient Monument
(restored after the French colonizers decided
to blow it half to hell... with cannons)

Tuy Hoa

The Beach Here Now Reminds Us A Lot Of Oregon

Beautiful Sky At Dusk
The Stormy Beach And Debris
Sand Crab

The Most Interesting Thing I Can Say
About These Plants, Is That The Rats
Live In Them

Our Romantic Dinner In Our Rooms
(we try our best...)

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